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United States Coast Guard (USCG)

  United States Coast Guard (USCG), the subordinate organization within the Department of Homeland Security, protects the security of maritime traffic, transportation and recreation.

  All equipments on boats, such as navigation lamps, life vests, fire extinguishing equipments, etc, must get approval be- fore installation.

  All necessary drawings, specifications, and samples provided by applicant manufacturers have to be received, reviewed and approved to ensure that they meet the appropriate standards.

  Some products, such as navigation lamps, are tested in the laboratory and have to comply with COP inspection for USCG approval. 


Two modes of USCG Approvals : 


A. “Coast Guard Type Approval” applies to products of frequent or mass production.

  Factory inspection for the first time application and subsequent annual factory inspection are required. Equipments must be demonstrated to comply with the relevant requirements in the regulations.

  After the successful completion of the required testing, and all necessary drawings, specifications, and proof of a follow-up program are received, reviewed and approved by the Coast Guard, a Certificate of Approval with an approved number will be issued to the applicant manufacturer, which have to be put on each product.

  The certificate is valid for five years and subsequent annual examination report has to be submitted by the applicant manufacturer. 


B. “Case-by-Case Approval” applies to specialized products that are installed on specific ships and are not mass produced.

  Equipments or products approved under this unique procedure are not issued Coast Guard Certificates of Approval, as is issued after the completion of Coast Guard Type Approvals. In addition, a follow-up program is not required to monitor product uniformity because there is no mass production of the product or equipment approved under this process.

  Repeated requests for Case-by-Case Approval of the same product or equipment will not be approved.

  It will be recommended to the manufacturer to obtain a Coast Guard Certificate of Approval via the Type Approval Process, which issue no Certificates and no further factory audition is required.


  ISOQA is the one of  USCG Independent Laboratory in Asia in the scope of testing Marine Navigation Lighting.

 After the completion of testing and submission of test report from ISOQA, a Certificate of Approval will be issued from USCG.


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Farmington, Michigan

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